Our Story

Every day we drink our coffee and begin the day with a fresh and exciting outlook because we believe that our skills can really help others. We love what we do, have lots of gratitude and we move through the day, meeting challenges with positivity.  We are a cohesive team and we are ready to take on your project and craft you the very best website.

We started our company to have the ability to do what we love, work independently, and have flexibility in our schedules.  We also thoroughly love meeting with our clients and walking them through the process of crafting websites. It’s not just the process but also the experience that counts.

We are a small company, with a vigorous amount of energy and we promise our best to create your opportunity to grow!


David Guardia

Chief Technical Guru

David has roots in Peru, where he grew up in a small town.  He moved to the US in 2000 with no English language skills and literally worked his way up the ladder, step by step!  It was a very long, tedious path but he never lost sight of his dream to work in technology.  David graduated from NJIT, with a degree in Web and Information Systems and Computer Science with honors. He has the initiative and drive, that inspires him, constantly learning and keeping current with ever-evolving technology.  He is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

David loves to travel, is a foodie that loves to cook, and has a serious passion for scuba diving. 


Chief Communicator

Susan hails from New Jersey, has worn many hats, including work with thoroughbred racehorses, pastry chef, contractor with the US Army, and Family Support Counselor for a non-profit.  She also took time to stay home and raise her two children.  Her interest in technology stemmed from her father, who jumped right into the World Wide Web when it first started.  Susan has a drive to work independently, loves meeting clients to help them through the process, and manages the projects from inception to final launch.

Susan is inspired by nature and is an avid hiker who loves to travel. Growing up by the beach, she has an affinity for the water and loves coastal Maine. She always manages to create an epicurean adventure wherever she goes and has a definite love of creating food, especially dessert!


Graphic Designer

Aimee lives in New York City and her passion is art.  She graduated from FIT with honors and a degree in textile design. Aimee is not only creative but extremely intuitive in understanding the needs of her clients.

Aimee is a world traveler and is inspired by the many people and landscapes she has encountered.  She loves the beach, camping in the mountains, and spending time with her family!