Strategizing Business Through Customer Research: Podcast Interview with Dawn Colossi

Strategizing Business Through Customer Research: Podcast Interview with Dawn Colossi

I recently had the pleasure of joining Rajiv Parikh ( in conversation about the importance that customer research has when creating marketing strategies and content plans which make meaningful human connections with your customers. In this podcast interview, we also discuss how brands can use big and small data together to achieve predictability, and where AI and ML can add administrative value within your marketing stack.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understanding the importance of customer research [02:00]
    It’s vital for all marketing professionals to understand how their customer’s think and feel to understand why they act. Given the very fluid nature of customer opinion, there should be a well-defined research process included in a marketer’s strategy and the marketing professional should go back and forth to the process to continuously learn more about the customer.
  2. How businesses can create predictability [06:56]
    One of the main things which businesses are looking to do is to create predictability. Brands today over-rely on their behavioral Big data to determine how their customers will act. In fact, in the study which we recently commissioned with Forrester Consulting, we uncovered that the way a customer feels about a brand is 1.5x more impact on their behavior than any other factor, which means that your customer-centric research -your Small data- is most needed to create sustainability and predictability.
  3. Accounts create their own buyer’s journey [11:34]
    There is no such thing as successful one-touch marketing. When you track an account from the first moment they start to interact with the brand, you’ll see they’ll participate in many different marketing activities. To help our buyer’s we defined different stages of the buyer’s journey and mapped relevant content to each stage to make better decisions and to have a more meaningful brand experience at every touch point.
  4. AI and ML as a great piece of administration [22:40]
    I think AI and ML can help identify and parse accounts in greater detail, group them and identify the processes that these accounts should go through. But unlike popular belief, these can be applied to both the big and small data integrations obtained from the history of the customers’ behavior, as well as your VOC programs which help you to understand why they buy in the first place.

Listen to the full podcast interview here:

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