Dawn Colossi on How Research Can Supercharge Your B2B Marketing
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Dawn Colossi on How Research Can Supercharge Your B2B Marketing

Renegade Thinkers Unite Podcast:Dawn Colossi

“We’re moving too fast to do research!” If I’m being totally honest, I’ve thought this a few times myself over the course of my first year as a CMO but last week it was a friend of mine who uttered the words. She’s a CMO, like me, at a software company and as we all do, her company needs to move fast. But here’s what I’ve learned, without doing the right research to understand how your customer thinks, feels and acts, you’re always guessing or listening to the latest opinion from execs, sales people, other marketers, or anyone else who has an opinion of what the customer thinks and feels. The result is changing directions every 6 months. Sound familiar? Research is key.

I recently sat with Drew Neisser on his Renegade Thinkers Unite podcast to talk about my first-hand experience in taking the time to understand my own customers – how they think, feel and act – and how this has paid faster dividends than If I’d taken action in haste. We chat about my approach to team leadership, the challenges all of Marketers are facing in this Experience Economy, as well as discussing the research we did at FocusVision to understand our Customer Truth – why they do what they do, how they think, feel and act – to build our Marketing strategy, including personas, messaging and content.

Key takeaways:

  • Creating a happy, united, and highly productive team by ensuring we have a clear purpose, and everybody feels that they are contributing and taking risks. [05:30s]
  • How I’ve used our own research tools to find customer insights to help guide my marketing and align Marketing with Sales, the Executive Team, and the Board [10:32s]
  • How aligning around your Customer Truth can help businesses unite and grow [17:51]

Listen to the whole podcast: https://renegadethinkersunite.libsyn.com/dawn-colossi

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