One On One: Dawn Colossi on the CMO’s Journey

One On One: Dawn Colossi on the CMO’s Journey

I’ve been asked many times since first publishing my blog post about what I learned in my first 90 days as CMO at FocusVision, whether I have been able to deliver upon my promises to the Board and the Executive team, and what my marketing strategy looks like beyond that initial 90-day honeymoon period. I sat with Chris Wood from the DMN Podcast One-on-One to answer those exact questions, including how research is the linchpin in my digital-first customer engagement program.

  • [0:35s] How my role progression has continued gone beyond the first 90 days
  • [01:58s] How I’ve learned so much about my role from having two researchers within my marketing team bringing a whole new perspective and new knowledge to the table.
  • [07:47s]The importance of developing an engagement strategy by taking a look at how people behave and what they’re looking at so you can get to those places with valuable content.
  • [09:36s] How Buyers construct their own buyer journey, it doesn’t come from marketing, marketing must provide all the touchpoints along the way. And how this is much slower and more complex for a B2B buyer.

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