IBM thinkLeaders Podcast: Bringing Humans Back Into The Marketing Equation

IBM thinkLeaders Podcast: Bringing Humans Back Into The Marketing Equation

I recently had the pleasure of contributing to an IBM thinkLeaders podcast with fellow guest contributor – Greg Calacouris, Senior Strategist at Wunderman Thompson. Within the short space of 25 minutes we shared our opinions about: The recent disruption in the CMO space (Uber, McDonalds) How we’re using data in marketing The importance of measuring…

Dawn Colossi on How Research Can Supercharge Your B2B Marketing
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Dawn Colossi on How Research Can Supercharge Your B2B Marketing

Renegade Thinkers Unite Podcast:Dawn Colossi “We’re moving too fast to do research!” If I’m being totally honest, I’ve thought this a few times myself over the course of my first year as a CMO but last week it was a friend of mine who uttered the words. She’s a CMO, like me, at a software…