Dawn Colossi on How Research Can Supercharge Your B2B Marketing
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Dawn Colossi on How Research Can Supercharge Your B2B Marketing

Renegade Thinkers Unite Podcast:Dawn Colossi “We’re moving too fast to do research!” If I’m being totally honest, I’ve thought this a few times myself over the course of my first year as a CMO but last week it was a friend of mine who uttered the words. She’s a CMO, like me, at a software…

Got Your Story Straight? When Marketing is Telling a Different Story from the Rest of the Company

Got Your Story Straight? When Marketing is Telling a Different Story from the Rest of the Company

What happens when all of the messaging that we have orchestrated to attract and engage an audience is not what they hear when they talk to your customer-facing employees? That’s exactly what we set out to understand in a joint study with InnerView.